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  • A pie-lovin', bread-risin', apron wearin' expatriate living the good life on the west coast of Norway

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November 08, 2009


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Hi Siri!
Your name leads me to think you have Nordic origins? Could I be somewhat right? I was born in PA and lived awhil there, lived awhile in Kansas but call Texas home, I graduated from high school there, met Stig there when he was an aupair in Austin, and my family still lives there.
Pepperkaker are good, no doubt and there is a definte difference in the quality you get in stores and homemade. I tried to do the seven sorts of Christmas cookies when I first began living here, but to be honest, they are extremely similar, not all that great and I'm American! So I compromised, we do some Norwegian cookies and some American and we make seven types..although not all seven make it to Christmas...hahahaha..Last year I tried making Smulteringer for the first a twist I put powder sugar on some of them..sure miss powder sugar donuts in America and while they were sweet and good, the plain ol' smulteringer when done correctly are to die for also..
Have to admit I was a pillsbury doughboy type baker before coming to Norway, thankfully though I have a grandmother who adores cooking and baking and shared some secrets with me over the years so when I couldn't find the baked goods from America I missed here when I first moved here, then I would make them myself..and don't mind tooting my own horn I've become better then the pillsbury doughboy and just as round as him after 14 years of baking ;-)) hahaha...Have a great day!


It might be a LITTLE early for Christmas baking, but I think Freya and I should make a batch next weekend. Thanks for the push!


Seriously, I love these cookies. Thanks for the reminder, and maybe next weekend I can bake. This weekend is the Pink Party for the ol' girl Lily!
I'll try to take photos!

Murasaki Shikibu

"As it turns out, Norwegian tradition says that one must bake seven different types of Christmas cookies in order to have a proper Christmas."

LOL...this is hilarious. They must have a similar tradition in Germany as well as my ex's mom bakes a mountain of different types of cookies in industrial quantities!

Star Cookie Cutter Set

Your husband sounds like a real pip lol. I moved to Pennsylvania a few years ago and I live in the heart of Amish country. Well all of the churches here have holiday bazaars and the best cookies you could possibly want. So I can bake my favorite chocolate chips and make my cute cut out sugar cookies and then go buy a bunch of homemade cookies traditional to many European countries. Lucky me, huh?


Hi, love these, are they the same as the Swedish ones? Is one of your seven those little vanilla buttery flavoured cookies ? That's the ones I really want to make. Love your blog. best wishes, Joanna

Lindsay Blaylock

I finally got around to making these this weekend. Boy are they great with a cup of tea!! officially my new favorite christmas cookie... and they remind me of my summer in norway. I brought a big plate in to work this week and to rave reviews. Boston approves. :)


Hi Siri,
Have you ever heard of "ringekake"cookies? My mother in law made them. They are sort of snail shaped, cakey textured cookies. I can't find a recipe anywhere.


Hi Jana- No I'm not familiar with ringekake. Were they chewy cookies? I even looked them up on the internet and didn't get any hits. Maybe they go by another name. Let me know what they tasted like. Almondy, maybe?


I can't tell you how excited I am to have found your blog...and this particular series of posts. This is *exactly* what I was looking for!


Hmm, not norwegian but I make about 20 different kinds of cookies at Xmas. Went to Norway this summer with my sister and her friend from there just sent us a batch of "tin cakes". Flat and sort of toffeey. I hear they are a bear to make but they are so good I am willing. Any recipes out there?


Mamaraby- I'm glad to hear it!

Buggs- I've never heard of tin cakes. Tin or "tynn" in Norwegian simply means "thin". I'm guessing the cookies you had were just simply called tin because they were flat???

Den Collins

Good to see the traditions of Norwegian holiday baking remains alive and well. I'm fortunate to have learned directly from my Mormor. It's a personally happy tradition to continue using her krumkake iron each year with her recipe for those cookies. And then there's the berlinerkranser, hjortetake, serinakake, bordstabbler, and those wonderful heart-shaped waffles (also baked on Mormor's cast iron stovetop waffle iron).


I wish I had discovered this post going into Christmas season! I will definitely file it away for next year, as I'm determine to build my Scandinavian cookie family is Norwegian, and I love our traditions as well as the land itself (I've only had the opportunity to visit once, but would love to come again...even to stay!). Can't wait to browse through these recipes you've posted. Takk!


A bit late, but my oldemor called berlinerkranser for ringekake:

AND: tin cakes sound like my personal favorite: Tynnkake:)


Hello and greetings from hot steamy Israel :-)

I was wondering what is "heavy cream". Is it that milky liquid stuff with 38% fat ? the kind you buy in small quantities in the super - this is what they sell here. I am an Israeli , not christian ,but I wonder what coockies with black pepper taste like. Gotta try it .

Is there any substitute for corn syrop - because it is hard to find it here .(hard ,but not impossible :)

thanks for the recipe and have a pleasent summmer


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